Tuesday 7 June 2011

Homesick ~

Nak balik rumah :( Please? Sini bosan laa. Ah wait, where am I? I dekat Pahang ye muridmurid. Visit my Aunty faa. Shes in hospital now. Miscarriage. Kesian kan? I can't imagine how her feeling right now. Be strong kay Aunty? Ily 
Ape cerita pasal aunty pulak nii. Now nak cerita pasal P A H A N G or lebih detail, Rumah aunty Faa. Bosan tau taaaaaaaaaaak -.-''
Semue takde dekat rumah petangpetang nii. Ma Pa pegi teman Aunty Faa dekat hospital. Sheerin and Nazmi tuition. Pukul 7 baru balik. Haih cuti pun nak tuition. Ah can't wait tonight, we're having barbeque! Yayy (Y) Tomorrow we'll leaving Pahang, Yayy again! Miss my Zoury already. Oh Zoury is my rabbit yo! Shes cute, shes got big hazel eyes, shes got small cute nose and she will sneeze if I touch her nose. Aww, Imiss hersomuch laa :( Mom, I want to go home laa! Buat ape sini lamalama. Kalau pegi berjalan takpe jugak.Haih

P/S : Later I upload gambar Zoury kay. You guys gonna love it! Trust me (Y) Kbye